So it begins
Hello there! I welcome you on these pages. My parents have given me a name Petr and it’s still being used as my “identifier”. Hopefully, this will be the very last useless information you get from this blog. I would like to be writing some words – because that is something I quite enjoy – and they will get published here. These words will be (almost surely) always about programming and related things. There is no need for trying to predict what exactly the topics are going to be. This will crystallize when actual posts happen to be written.
Let’s start all this with an interesting fact given in the following figure. I guess it’s a solid kick-off for a blog with informative intentions. Even though the subject matter of this one is completely unrelated to the topics that will be integral to this blog.

Source: Teh Lurd Of Teh Reings
What is important to add is that this applies for the extended version, not theatrical. Because if you are a human being that would think of doing this, you surely consider the extended version to be the default for The Lord of the Rings.
And that’s it. No more words for now. They will come, just wait patiently.