The bytes // they want you

@pnevyk’s words on programming

Proptest strategies the hard way

Proptest is a Rust crate for property-based testing. It provides data generators for standard types and ways how to combine and transform those to create instances of your own types. You can also use proptest-derive crate for implementing the generator for your type automatically. All this is useful, but in more complicated cases it makes sense to implement this manually. And this post shows how to do that. It is based on my experience writing generators for gryf graph library.

Writing a simple query system in Rust

What I mean by query system here is a pattern for requesting and computing data in a program in on-demand way. The data don’t need to be computed ahead of time at the start of the program, but only when they are actually needed. In this post, I will walk you through a solution to this approach I came up with in Rust, which happened to be a good fit in one of my projects. If not yet, you will eventually be able to implement your own, tailored to your needs.

So it begins

Hello there! I welcome you on these pages. My parents have given me a name Petr and it’s still being used as my “identifier”. Hopefully, this will be the very last useless information you get from this blog. I would like to be writing some words – because that is something I quite enjoy – and they will get published here. These words will be (almost surely) always about programming and related things. There is no need for trying to predict what exactly the topics are going to be. This will crystallize when actual posts happen to be written.